Consultation Hub

IHACPA publishes a range of documents every year in draft form and makes a request for stakeholders to provide feedback and comments via a submission process.

Take part in consultations, surveys and conversations that interest you, and find out more about decisions we've made.

Open consultations

  • Public Space Protection Order Consultation

    What is a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO)? A PSPO is an order that is enforceable under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. They are used to protect the public from behaviour that is having, or is likely to have, a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality and is, or is likely to be, persistent and unreasonable. What is the Purpose of this Consultation? The purpose of the consultation is to seek any views regarding a...

    Closes 29 January 2027

Closed consultations

  • Safer Streets for Women and Girls

    This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. Violence Against Women and Girls is defined as crime that disproportionately affects women and girls including, but not limited to, domestic abuse, sexual...

    Closed 22 September 2024

  • Transport: EV Charging Points (with Geo Select)

    This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. Conventional petrol and diesel vehicles are recognised as a major source of pollution and contributor to the climate emergency. Electric vehicles provide a...

    Closed 20 September 2024

  • Planning: Brownfield Regeneration Project

    This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. We are inviting you to have your say on the regeneration of Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration Area. We propose to transform this brownfield site...

    Closed 15 September 2024